Your School Trip Timeline

This timeline will give you a better idea of the process of planning a school trip and will help you know what to do, when!

This timeline will give you a better idea of the process of planning a school trip and will help you know what to do, when!

To make the process of planning your school trip less stressful, it's important to ensure that you leave yourself enough time to complete each step. Below is a rough outline of when you should anticipate undertaking various steps.

Of course, all groups and tours are slightly different, so don’t worry if your timeline varies slightly from this. But this timeline will at least give you a rough idea of when to anticipate needing to complete each step.

And don't forget, your Tour Adviser and Itinerary Coordinator will be on hand throughout to guide you through the process.

We hope this timeline gives you a better idea of the process and how long it takes on average to arrange a school trip. Our top tip for making the process easier is to start planning as early as possible, to give yourself plenty of time.

Ready to start planning your next school trip? Contact us today for further information.