Find out why it's a good idea to book your school ski trip as early as possible
Our number one tip for planning school ski trips is pretty simple – start planning as early as possible. There is no such thing as too early – we often have group leader’s planning two years ahead.
And there are several really good reasons to book early.
Secure your preferred choices
Even more so than other school trips, ski trips are very susceptible to availability issues. Obviously, this is because a large number of groups are heading for a finite number of resorts at the same time – usually during the February half-term and Easter.
By starting your planning early you’ll be in a position to book nice and early, thereby securing your preferred choices of resort, transport, accommodation etc.
Make your trip more affordable
It can sometimes be more difficult to get SLT and parents on board with school ski trips and, although you can extoll the benefits of skiing until you’re blue in the face, one obstacle can still cause a significant stumbling block – the cost.
But if you start planning and then book early, you’ll give your students’ families longer to pay for the trip, making it a much more affordable prospect.
And if you plan on doing any school trip fundraising, you’ll allow yourself plenty of time for that too.
Make your life less stressful
Starting the process of planning your school ski trip should make your life much less stressful. You’ll have longer to get things sorted, which should mean you don’t have any of those awful last-minute panics.
So, by the time your school ski trip comes around, you should be able to enjoy it as much as your students!
Get a head start on the competition
There may be several school trips planned for the same period as yours. If these are also targeted at the same group of students you’re planning to take skiing, you could find yourself in direct competition.
By planning early, you could get a head start on the competition, ensuring you make the numbers needed to run your school ski trip.
Ready to start planning?
We hope this has given you a better idea of the importance of starting early when it comes to planning for your school ski trip. If you do want to make a start on your next trip and need any information or advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us as we’ll be very pleased to help.