5 Top Tips for School Coach Trips

Our five top tips for teachers ahead of a coach trip.

Our former teachers and school travel specialists have made many a trip by coach. Here are some of their top tips for long coach journeys.

Tip 1: Make sure you’ve packed plenty of refreshments

Your students are bound to get peckish on your coach trip, so make sure you remind them to bring plenty of snacks.

It might be a good idea to send around some suggestions for snacks – students will always opt for sweets, chocolate and crisps, but these could make them thirsty or even a bit hyper – not ideal when they’re having to sit for long periods. It’s also worth bearing in mind how well their chosen snack may travel – this is another reason chocolate is far from ideal!

Some of the best snacks to bring are fruit and nuts (as long as no one is allergic, of course). And it’s really important to remind students to bring plenty of water. It might even be worth considering packing an emergency case of water, in the case of any breakdowns or delays. Learn more about what to pack for a school trip.

Tip 2: Dress appropriately

Comfort is king when it comes to long coach journeys. One way to stay comfy is to layer up so that you always remain at a comfortable temperature.

Tip 3: Prepare to entertain

If you’re heading off on a long coach journey, preparing some entertainment is essential.

That can be packing a few age-appropriate DVDs, playing a few road trip games ('I Spy' being an obvious classic) or even orchestrating a bit of a singalong.

A few of our Group Leaders have even arranged a coach quiz to keep students entertained – perhaps you could theme yours around your subject or destination?

Tip 4: Prepare to snooze

On long coach journeys, you will all want to try and get some rest, so it's worth packing eye masks, earplugs and neck pillows.

Tip 5: Don’t forget the housekeeping

As any teacher who has ever taken a coach trip with students knows, you should never leave school without an air freshener, bin bags, wet wipes and kitchen roll – we probably don’t need to go into why these items are so important…

Bonus Tip: Spend the time thinking about your next trip

We jest, but whenever you do want to start planning your next trip, we’ll be here to support you every step of the way. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at any point for further information or advice.