Here are just a few reasons why you should consider a term-time school ski trip.
Most of our groups travel around the February half term and Easter holidays. But there are some great reasons to consider taking a school ski trip during term time. Here are just a few:
Lower prices
Of course, one of the most obvious benefits of a term-time ski trip is that it will normally work out much less expensive than travelling during the holidays.
And for some students, this could mean the difference between being able to take part in this experience and being left out.
Lower prices could mean that your trip is more accessible to more pupils – making it a much fairer proposition for the school community as a whole.
Greater choice
Of course, the lower prices are due to lower demand. And this should also mean you have a much greater choice of accommodation, activities, transport etc.
So, a term-time school ski trip could allow you far more control over what your trip eventually looks like.
Quieter slopes
You can expect the slopes to be much quieter during term time – in many cases, they are almost deserted during the week, with locals only heading to the slopes en masse at the weekends.
Not only is this much more pleasant with a large group to keep track of, but it also means your beginners will have more room to learn, without the pressure of other skiers whizzing about around them.
And, of course, you should get more skiing in, as you won’t have to queue for ages for the lifts!
Fantastic educational opportunities
If you’re going to get the powers that be to agree to a term-time ski trip, you’re going to have to convince them of its value for the students.
You’ll argue the points above. But don’t forget to mention that this would be an incredible educational experience for the students too.
We previously created an infographic detailing the benefits of school ski trips for students’ physical fitness, character-building, physical abilities and cognitive skills.
But it’s also a fantastic opportunity for them to experience another culture and even practise their language skills with native speakers.
They’ll also have the opportunity to see physical geography in action.
If you can (and don’t teach languages or geography yourself), why not invite colleagues from those departments to accompany your trip? You could even devise subject-based activities for the evenings to reinforce the learning!
For more information on term-time skiing, or to request your tailor-made quote, please don’t hesitate to contact us.