St. George's Weybridge's History Trip to France

School / Group

St George’s Weybridge

Teacher / Group Leader

Matthew Barham



What was your main aim/objective for this trip?

To help students learn more about WW1 and WW2 as per their Year 9 syllabus.

Can you briefly describe the visits and activities you participated in during this trip?

We visited Eperleques V1 and V2 Bunker, Beaumont Hamel, Thiepval and Vimy Ridge.

Why did you choose these visits and activities?

The students are currently learning about WW2 so Eperleques fits with their studies of D-Day, the Holocaust, the Blitz etc. And in the Christmas term they study the Battle of the Somme.

We also normally commemorate some Old Georgians at Thiepval.

What will be your lasting memories of this trip?

Seeing the students enjoy being on a trip again after Covid. It was just good to be out again!

What did students get out of this trip?

It was a chance for them to learn outside of the classroom again. 

One parent wrote to me to say; “A belated thank you for the French battlefield trip. I was delighted to see G so enthused, having soaked up all the information she'd been taught. She recounted in great detail to me and then her dad the sights and stories of the day. It really made an impression on her - this style of learning suits her so well.  My mother was interested to hear where she'd visited, as her mother was from Newfoundland. Thank you for organising.”

Would you recommend Halsbury to your friends and colleagues?

Yes, they were good value.

Ready to start planning your school trip?

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