07 June 2021

Looking for a School Sports Tour that Even the 'Non-Sporty' Kids Will Be Inspired By?

One of the toughest challenges we face as sports educators is the mental block that some children face when it comes to sport.

Some may just have no interest in the traditional sport we tend to offer in schools. Some may have self-confidence issues, which can be brought about by any number of things, from bullying to puberty.

Whatever it is that’s stopping them from enjoying sport in school, we need to ensure that it doesn’t prevent them from being open to enjoying sporting activities in the future, because of the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle, which includes regular exercise.

So, rather than arranging a ‘traditional’ school sports tour this year, why not arrange an experience that will give the ‘non-sporty’ kids a chance to change their own perception of themselves and surprise them with how much they can enjoy sporting activities?

Give them the opportunity to try a new sport

Of course, as we’ve mentioned before, our watersports tours are ideal for this – the vast majority of your students will have had no prior experience of these activities and so there will be a level playing field.

Watersports are also so different to the ‘traditional’ sports we offer at school, that students will approach them with a more open mind. And they also open the door to other adventure sports that your students might like to try.

Reframe the purpose of your sports tour

But our watersports tours aren’t the only option for a tour that can inspire all your students. Any of our tours could help your ‘non-sporty’ students to learn to enjoy sports more – you just have to think about how you frame the tour when promoting it to your students.

For example, our European and Rest of the World tours which focus on friendly fixtures against local opposition offer your students the opportunity to socialise and interact with local children of a similar age.

This is a great way to experience the local culture and, of course, we can arrange to include some great cultural activities if these would be of interest to your students (bonus – they also give your tour cross-curricular elements that can help when it comes to getting your tour approved).

You can also choose to encourage your students to focus less on the outcome of these fixtures and instead focus on the importance of working together as a team.

When a member of the team makes a mistake, encourage your students to support them, rather than reproach them. This will help all your students to understand that sports are, for all except the top athletes, great social activities that allow us to make new friends and live healthy lives, both physically and mentally.

Whatever you choose to do, make sure the focus is on fun

At the end of the day, whatever type of tour you choose, the only way to encourage the less ‘sporty’ kids to sign up is to ensure that they know the tour is going to be fun.

When you promote your tour, make sure you emphasise all elements of it, and make sure that it’s clear that all your students are welcome, whatever their ability level.

If you think carefully about your tour and the needs of all the students, you will be able to put together a tour that will inspire every single member of your group, however ‘sporty’ they may be. And that could be something that, ultimately, helps them to live happier, healthier and longer lives.

Shall we start planning your next tour?

Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any further information.