Fundraising Ideas for Your School Music Tour

Fundraising for your school music tour offers two very significant benefits. Of course, it will [reduce the cost for students’ families](, which may help to open up the tour to more students. And secondly, it can provide an excellent opportunity for your ensemble to bond. Struggling for ideas? Here are some ideas for fundraising events that your ensemble could hold.

Fundraising for your school music tour offers two very significant benefits. Of course, it will reduce the cost for students’ families, which may help to open up the tour to more students. And secondly, it can provide an excellent opportunity for your ensemble to bond.

Struggling for ideas? Here are some ideas for fundraising events that your ensemble could hold.

Musical events


Of course, the first thing you could do to raise some funds for your tour is to perform a concert. You can charge admission and sell refreshments, and you could even hold a raffle to help raise a little more cash.

Talent show

You have a group of extremely talented young people, what better way to raise funds for their tour than to celebrate talent around the school community with a talent show?

Raise funds by selling tickets and serving refreshments before and after (and perhaps during the interval too).

Music quiz evening

Everyone loves a pub quiz, right? Well, why not run a music-themed quiz night? You can charge teams to enter, taking a portion of the money raised to provide the prize, with the rest going towards the music tour. You could also sell refreshments.

Perform at local business/residential homes for a small contribution towards the tour

You could take your ensemble into the local community, where they will not only have the opportunity to perform in front of different audiences, but also to raise some funds for the music tour. If your fundraising period falls over Christmas, this could be a great option.

School disco

School discos always go down well with students and you can charge for both admission and refreshments. Plus, depending on your repertoire, your ensemble could even play a short set to get the party started!

Other events

Bake sale

Who doesn’t love cake? Bake sales are always a fantastic way to raise a little extra for your music tour fund because they’re always so popular.


Another great way to raise a few more pennies for the school music tour, a raffle is always a fun option that can be included in one of your other events. For prizes, appeal to parents, the wider school community and local businesses – you might be surprised at what’s donated.

Car boot sale

If your school has enough suitable space, you could arrange a car boot sale. Members of the school and local community will love the opportunity to get rid of some of their clutter and you can earn money by selling pitches and refreshments.

And if you can only arrange to have the school hall, why not hold a record selling day? People can pay a small fee to have a stall and from their they can sell their old records.

Bag pack

Another classic, a bag pack is a great way to get your students working for their music tour funds. Just get in touch with your local supermarket and get your ensemble signed up to pack some bags for donations!

Collect small change

As they say, every penny counts! So why not collect loose change in jars – you may be surprised how much you’re able to raise this way.


The new kid on the block when it comes to school music tour fundraisers, crowdfunding could be a good option for your tour. You normally set a target and then you can publicise your campaign on social media and in the school and local communities.

As it’s still a relatively new concept, you may find the local press would be willing to run a story on your efforts. You can offer a range of rewards for those who donate – perhaps a performance at their business or similar?

We hope this has given you some ideas for your school music tour fundraiser. Think we’ve missed something? Join in the conversation on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter).

And, of course, if you need any advice or information for your next school music tour, please don't hesitate to contact us.