Here's why you should start planning your school sports tour early.
We’re often asked what our number one tip for planning school sports tours is. Unfailingly our answer is to plan and book as early as possible. And there are some very simple but sensible reasons for this.
Get exactly what you want
In order to secure your preferred dates, transport, accommodation etc., it’s really important that you book early.
And you could even save money by doing so before demand drives the prices up.
Planning early should make it easier to arrange suitable fixtures too.
Make your tour more affordable for pupils
One criticism often levelled at school trips is that they’re expensive. And for non-academic subjects, such as sports and skiing, it can sometimes be a bit of a battle to convince parents of the benefits of a school sports tour.
But planning and booking early will give them longer to pay for the tour, making it more affordable.
This could even mean that some students who may not otherwise have been able to attend may be able to.
And if you’re planning to do some school tour fundraising, planning early will mean you have more time for this too.
Make your life easier
Regardless of when you start planning your tour, we’ll be on hand to support you every step of the way.
However, if you’re able to start planning your tour early, you’ll find the whole process much less stressful.
You’ll have time to ask questions and gather the information you need, and you should avoid any last-minute rushing about.
Hopefully, planning early will mean you can enjoy your school sports tour as much as your students!
Get a head start on the competition
There is one more very good reason to start planning your school sports tour early.
If there are likely to be other trips running around a similar time to yours, aimed at the same group of students, you’ll be in direct competition with them. Ensure your key players are able to go on your tour by getting in there early!
Ready to start planning?
Hopefully, this has give you a better idea of why it’s so beneficial to plan and book your school sports tour early. If you would like to get a head start on your next school sports tour, please don’t hesitate to contact us.